Wednesday, May 23, 2012

About Me!!!

Why hello there! I’m Claire, and this is the blog I created for my Creative Writing class. It is full of awesomeness and rainbows and sunshine. Well, not really the rainbows and sunshine. But the awesomeness—yes.
I don’t really consider myself a writer or poet. I am well aware that my works are not the best, but overall the experience of writing all these different types of works has been fun. In my heart, though, I will always be a math and science person—yay calculus!
Anywhoo, I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area my entire life, and I love the culture and fun stuff available there. I am currently a senior in high school, and next year I will be continuing my education in the Bay Area—at Cal! Ahh, I’m so excited!
Well, for some more info about me, I love the Harry Potter series. So much. So much that I reread all of them in one week every summer. I also enjoy other books too, but these are the ones that I know I will always enjoy.
As for music, I am obsessed with Ok Go (in the best possible way). Here’s a link to their newest music video which is super-awesomeà .  I also like the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and numerous others whose names evade me at the moment.
Well, this is starting to sound like an online dating profile, so I guess I’ll catch you on the flip side. Hope you like my blog!
p.s.—I enjoy long walks on the beach.

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