Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Superhero's Confession

This short scene was created for an in class writing assignment, in which we had to write a short conversation between any two people we wanted. My partner, Wesley, and I chose Batman and Superman (the obvious choices). In this short scene, these two superheroes sitting at a table in a bustling café. We also read this aloud to our class, and succeeded in getting a few laughs.
*BATMAN’S voice should be read in a deep, gruff, Christian Bale voice.
BATMAN: How's it going, man?
SUPERMAN: Oh, you know. Just flew around the world so fast I reversed time itself. Aaand...just did it again. Have you had the fries here?
BATMAN: Yeah, they're pretty good. (beat) You just did it again, didn't you.
SUPERMAN: Sorry, left my iPhone at the International Space Station. I got it now.
BATMAN: Dude, do you realize that everyone else has to wait, frozen in time, every time you do that? Not cool, bro.
SUPERMAN: Whatever, man.
BATMAN: You need to take responsibility for your actions, bro. You're a public figure. What sort of message do you think you're sending to your fans?
SUPERMAN: Woah, man. At least I have fans.
BATMAN: Dude. I'm the caped crusader. I'm the dark knight. I don't need fans--I'm a legend, man. Plus I'm totally rich and everybody loves me.
SUPERMAN: Yeah, but only because you're parents were millionaires and you found a tax loophole for masked vigilantism. You're the 1%, man. I was raised on a farm.
BATMAN: You think my childhood was fun? I grew up in an empty mansion. I was raised by my butler.
SUPERMAN: And what, you felt lonely? My whole planet blew up. It sucked.
BATMAN: Shit. I'm...I'm sorry, bro. Sometimes I forget. Just cause you're so...strong and powerful and stuff, you know? It's just that...I mean, I really look up to you, man.
SUPERMAN: C'mere, man. Let's hug it out, bro.
They totally hug it out.

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