Thursday, April 12, 2012

10 Ways of Looking at a Hand

This poem is from another assignment in my Creative Writing class. For this one, we started with a normal, everyday object. I chose a hand. Then, we passed a paper around the room, having a different person write each stanza. After the final stanza was written, I edited little, for I thought it was already pretty good. There’s metaphors, similes, and imagery galore! Yay!

I.  Out of all the great minds of this world,
All the masterpieces, essays, and paintings,
A pair of hands is behind them all.

II.  The hand is like
A limitless tool
In the biggest workshop.

III.  3 fingers of the hand held high
Are all it takes
To light a babes mind
With the essence of knowledge.

IV.  I do not know which hand to chose,
The right one or the left.

V.  A mystery of evolution,
A perfectly sculpted tool.
The hand’s facts are ancient,
Ancient and deep.

VI.  Shaking, the hand approached the fruit.
With one movement
Came the creation of sin.

VII.  Without a hand,
He would be nothing.
A fish will never know
What it’s like to hold a hand.

VIII.  A hand:
The slayer, the weapon, the helper.
Having a weapon is a myth
When the real weapon is a piece of you.

IX.  A hand carries so many different meanings.
Some are as dainty as Snow White’s,
Some are as worn down as Cinderella’s.

X.  Hands can tell your future
In love, life, and happiness.
Hundreds of lines
To tell a story.

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