Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cool Poem, Bro

My friend and I wrote this poem for an assignment where we had to define poetry. Naturally, we decided to have fun and relate everything to superheroes, especially Batman. Batman is awesome. We used multiple metaphors throughout to convey our definition and how cool our poem is. Chaaaaa braskies.

Poetry is Batman,
Gliding through the dark in a flowing cape,
Sneaking in alleyways, searching for meaning
(Or drug dealers,
Whichever comes first).

Poetry is Spiderman,
Swinging between skyscrapers,
Just trying to get to class on time,
And maybe save the city too.

Poetry is a nightmarish smile,
Scarily stretched across a joker’s face.
“Do you wanna know how I got these scars?”

Poetry is Aquaman,
Protector of the oceans,
Communicating with sea creatures
While breathing underwater.

Poetry is Magneto,
Wreaking havoc by throwing cars and s*@t.

And that is a cool poem, bro.

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