Friday, April 20, 2012

Leave Your Red Roses

"Leave Your Red Roses" is a love poem I wrote for my Creative Writing class. I guess it could also be an anti-love poem. However you want to view it, I hope you like it as much as I do. I alluded to a few famous love poems throughout this, like Shakespeare's "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?", Amy Lowell's "A Lover", and ee cummings "i carry your heart with me". Enjoy.

Leave your red roses and blue violets at the door.

Forget your chocolates, I don’t want them anymore.
No sir, no bouquets of flowers for me,
Because I am, and will remain, free.

And no, please don’t compare me to a summer’s day,
For they are hot and humid and soon decay.
I want to be free, free from all this false love,
Free from those pet names that you think of.

I know this fleeting passion cannot stay,
I know that your eyes will soon stray.
You say you will give me the time,
But I am sure you’re just thinking of another rhyme.
Another rhyme, for me? I do not know.
Perhaps it’s for the young lady who just said hello.

Yes, I can see you looking at her,
And you think I cannot infer
Your prolonged stare of adoration?
Go, just go get her. She will give you an exclamation
Of her joy.

Perhaps when you have caught the green lantern of the firefly,
You can write me a letter to see by.
And then I will know that you truly carry my heart with you.
Maybe I will do the same. Just maybe.

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